The primary source of information about tale of the trojan war comes from the epic poem called the Iliad, written by the ancient Greek poet Homer. The Odyssey, also authored by Homer, and other works by Greek writers like Hesiod and Euripides, also make references about events of the trojan war.
Troy, the ancient city located in what is now modern-day Turkey, holds a prominent place in Greek mythology. It was a ten-year great war fought between the city of Troy and the combined forces of Greece. The legends surrounding Troy have captivated storytellers and historians for centuries, and the tales of heroes, gods, and epic battles have been passed down through generations.
In this blog post, we will delve into the causes of the Trojan War, delve into each phase of the conflict and explore the captivating story that unfolds until its dramatic end.

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Paris and Helen, Causes of The Trojan War
The story of the Trojan War begins with a fateful decision made by Trojan prince Paris, son of King Priam. According to legend, Eris, the goddess of discord, became angry after being excluded from a wedding feast on Mount Olympus. In her wrath, she threw a golden apple among the goddesses inscribed with the words “To the fairest.”
Three powerful goddesses – Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena – laid claim to the apple, and Zeus, the king of the gods, appointed Paris to judge which goddess was the most beautiful. Each goddess offered Paris a bribe: Hera promised him power and wealth, Athena offered wisdom and skill in battle, while Aphrodite promised him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world.
Paris chose Aphrodite as the winner, and thus began a chain of events that would lead to the Trojan War.
As the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen wife of king Menelaus, the king of Sparta was coveted by many suitors. Paris, driven by his promised reward from Aphrodite, set sail to Greece and arrived at Menelaus’ palace.
During his visit, Paris seduced Helen and convinced her to leave her husband and elope with him to Troy. This act of betrayal enraged Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon, the king of Mycenae. They sought revenge and called upon all the Greek kings and heroes to join them in an expedition against Troy and reclaim their queen.
Thus, began a decade-long saga of bloodshed and heroism.
Assembling the Greek Forces
The Greek forces, united under the leadership of Agamemnon, brother of Menelaus and king of Mycenae, gathered at Aulis. This initial phase saw the assembly of a formidable army consisting of renowned warriors like Achilles, Odysseus, and Ajax. Transitioning from a state of disarray to a united front, the Greeks prepared for an arduous journey across the Aegean Sea.
With an immense fleet and an army, the Greeks set sail to Troy. The war that followed lasted for ten long years and was filled with countless battles, tragedies, and heroic feats.
The Troy Defenses
Upon reaching Troy, despite their initial successes, the Greeks faced numerous challenges in their quest to conquer Troy. They encountered a mighty walls of troy and defended by skilled warriors. The Trojans, led by Hector their greatest warrior, possessed unwavering determination to protect their homeland. The gods also meddled in mortal affairs, favoring one side or another. This phase witnessed numerous skirmishes and battles as the Greeks attempted to breach the city’s defenses. However, Troy remained unconquered.
The Legendary Duel Achilles and Hector
Achilles the greek hero, renowned for his invincibility and his vulnerable heel, emerged as a central figure in the Trojan War. His wrath against Agamemnon led to his temporary withdrawal from the conflict, causing great setbacks for the Greek forces. The Trojans capitalized on this opportunity, gaining an upper hand in the war. Only after the death of his close companion Patroclus did Achilles return to the battlefield with a vengeance.
The war reached a climactic turning point when Achilles faced off against Hector in a duel that would decide the fate of Troy. In a fierce battle, Achilles emerged victorious, slaying Hector and avenging the death of Patroclus. This pivotal moment marked a crucial shift in the war, as the Greeks gained renewed momentum and the Trojans faced a devastating blow to their morale.
The Fall of Troy, The Decisive Deception
One of the most famous episodes from the Trojan War is the story of the Trojan Horse. After years of unsuccessful attempts to breach Troy’s walls and desperation to bring an end to the protracted war, the Greeks devised a cunning plan. They constructed a massive wooden horse and hid a select group of warriors inside it. Presenting the horse as an offering to the gods and peace sign, they left it outside Troy’s walls and pretended to retreat. The Trojans, deceived by the ruse, brought the horse inside their city walls as a trophy, unaware of the hidden danger lurking within its belly.
At night, under the cover of darkness, the Greek warriors emerged from the wooden horse and opened the gates of Troy for the awaiting Greek army. Troy was taken by surprise, and its downfall seemed inevitable. The city of troy was destroyed completely, bringing an end to the decade-long conflict.
The legends surrounding Troy in Greek mythology are filled with tragedy, and heroism. From the abduction of Helen and the epic battles fought during the Trojan War, this ancient tale continues to capture our imagination.
Though these stories are steeped in myth and legend, they have endured through time as cautionary tales about pride, honor, love, loyalty, deception and the consequences of war. The legends of Troy serve as a reminder that even the mightiest cities can fall when faced with powerful forces and inner turmoil.
As we explore these ancient tales, let us remember that they are not merely stories but windows into human nature and universal themes that continue to resonate with us today.